Saturday, March 17, 2007

Where Is Patrick?

Jacob had a preschool party for St. Patrick's Day on Thursday. Jacob was not motivated to go to school, so Mike told Jacob that he needed to go to school to celebarte St. Patrick's day. Jacob asked, "Is it Patrick's birthday?" Mike tried to explain that there is no Patrick - that it is a holiday. Just before they arrived at school, Jacob said, "I can't wait to see what Patrick looks like." When I got home from work, I asked Jacob if they had a party. He said, "No, Patrick was not there."

I am very behind on everything that I need to do. We have been sick and work has been crazy due to some changes that are happening there. I haven't ordered pictures since Christmas, and I have not updated pictures since then. I barely have time to keep up with little things like laundry.

I was doing great on my workout routine until I got sick two weeks ago. I was going to the gym 4 days a week & exercising some at home on the other days. I felt much better, but it is hard to get up at 5:30 am to exercise. The other frustrating part is that I have not lost any weight!

LASIK has been great. I went back to the doctor and he said my eyes are still dry, but not extremely dry. He said that he thinks my eyes will continue to improve. He is very happy with how well I am doing, especially since my prescription was so bad before the laser surgery.

This April will be my 10 year college reunion. It is hard to believe that I have been out of college for 10 years. I hope that I will be able to see a lot of my friends, although it seems that some people will not be able to make it.

I dyed Easter eggs with the kids this week. That was probably not the best activity for a three year old and a not quite 2 year old. The kids lost interest quickly, and we ended up with more broken/cracked eggs than not.

I think that Maria's age is my favorite age. She is so much fun right now. She is learning to talk and is really cute when she says certain words. She still loves to be hugged and adores us. She is also happy the majority of the time and rarely has temper tantrums. I am trying to enjoy this stage because soon enough we will begin potty training, tantrums, independence, etc.

We had book club last week. We discussed the Memory Keepers Daughter. I think most of us enjoyed the book; however, some felt that the author was too descriptive and too wordy at times. Next month we will discuss A Child Called It. I think it will be a very difficult book for me to read, not only because I have kids, but because I am very compassionate.

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